Cuspidal机器人是具有至少两种逆运动溶液的机器人,可以通过无奇异路径连接。过去已经研究了普通3R机器人的尖锐性,但是将研究扩展到六度自由的机器人可能是一个具有挑战性的问题。许多机器人可以与真实代数集一起建模为多项式图,以便将尖的概念扩展到这些数据。在本文中,我们设计了一种算法,该算法在输入$ n $不确定的多项式地图上,而$ s $多项式在相同的不确定的情况下描述了一个真实的代数$ d $,请确定地图限制的限制性正在考虑的实际代数设定。此外,如果$ d $和$ \ \ tau $分别是输入多项式系数的最高学位和界限,则该算法在$ \ tau $中以$ \ tau $和$($( (s+d)d)^{o(n^2)} $。它依赖于计算机代数中的许多高级算法,这些算法在真实代数集和多项式图的关键基因座上使用高级方法。据我们所知,这是第一种从一般角度解决尖锐性问题的算法。
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Modeling of turbulent combustion system requires modeling the underlying chemistry and the turbulent flow. Solving both systems simultaneously is computationally prohibitive. Instead, given the difference in scales at which the two sub-systems evolve, the two sub-systems are typically (re)solved separately. Popular approaches such as the Flamelet Generated Manifolds (FGM) use a two-step strategy where the governing reaction kinetics are pre-computed and mapped to a low-dimensional manifold, characterized by a few reaction progress variables (model reduction) and the manifold is then ``looked-up'' during the runtime to estimate the high-dimensional system state by the flow system. While existing works have focused on these two steps independently, in this work we show that joint learning of the progress variables and the look--up model, can yield more accurate results. We build on the base formulation and implementation ChemTab to include the dynamically generated Themochemical State Variables (Lower Dimensional Dynamic Source Terms). We discuss the challenges in the implementation of this deep neural network architecture and experimentally demonstrate it's superior performance.
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仇恨言论等攻击性内容的广泛构成了越来越多的社会问题。 AI工具是支持在线平台的审核过程所必需的。为了评估这些识别工具,需要与不同语言的数据集进行连续实验。 HASOC轨道(仇恨语音和冒犯性内容识别)专用于为此目的开发基准数据。本文介绍了英语,印地语和马拉地赛的Hasoc Subtrack。数据集由Twitter组装。此子系统有两个子任务。任务A是为所有三种语言提供的二进制分类问题(仇恨而非冒犯)。任务B是三个课程(仇恨)仇恨言论,令人攻击和亵渎为英语和印地语提供的细粒度分类问题。总体而言,652名队伍提交了652次。任务A最佳分类算法的性能分别为Marathi,印地语和英语的0.91,0.78和0.83尺寸。此概述介绍了任务和数据开发以及详细结果。提交竞争的系统应用了各种技术。最好的表演算法主要是变压器架构的变种。
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